Monday, July 25, 2011


*Burdock (Arctium lappa)

*Hardy biennial plant
*Can grow up to 8 feet tall (usually around 4 feet tall)
*Dies down in winter

Parts Used: 
*Roots and seeds
*One source said can use leaves as well

*Moist, humus-rich soil
*Full sun (but tolerates light shade)

*propagate from seed in spring or late fall
*soak the seeds overnight in warm water before sowing, then lightly cover with soil

*Keep the soil moist and weed regularly especially when the plants are young.
*Remove the flowers and burrs to promote root growth

*Lift roots in the fall, about 100 days after planting and when the roots are at least 1 foot in length
*For medicinal purposes, dry the roots
*According to one source, you can use the leaves and young shoots for cooking (as a salad vegetable)
*According to some sources, Japanese and Korean cultures eat the roots as vegetables as well
*The seed burrs may be picked in the fall of their second year to replant for the next crop

*Parts used: Roots
*This plant is a blood purifier and also stimulates the body's eliminatory channels (lymphatic, digestive, urinary)
*Also used for inflammatory skin and joint problems
*Over a long period of use, it can clear up dry skin and improve psoriasis
*Good for nutrients, the blood, kidneys, skin, and digestion

For additional information, see references and warnings

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