Saturday, September 10, 2011

Medicinal Recipes: Using Peppermint

There are many ways to use peppermint medicinally. Here are a few suggestions:

At the first sign of a cold:
Take a mixture of elderflower, peppermint, and yarrow. Infuse 1 tsp. of each dried herb (or 1 tbsp. of each fresh herb) per 1 cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 20 minutes. Strain, and add 1tsp. of honey and 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper.

This should decrease the intensity and the discomfort of a cold or a flu. In addition, sipping this tea during a cold or flu will promote perspiration and reduce body temperatures.

To reduce nausea:
Peppermint is good for nausea because it has antispasmodic actions in the gastrointestinal tract.

You can either make a tincture and add 10-15 drops of the peppermint tincture to water, or you can infuse 1 tsp. fresh or dried peppermint leaves to each 1 cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 15-20 minutes. Strain. Take it 3-4 times per day.

For irritable bowel relief:
Peppermint is an ideal remedy for people with irritable bowel syndrome, again, due to its' antispasmodic effects.

You can either make a tincture and add 10-15 drops of the peppermint tincture to water, or you can infuse 1 tsp. of fresh or dried peppermint leaves to each 1 cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 15-20 minutes. Strain. Take it 3-4 times per day.

For additional information, see: references and warnings

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