Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Headache Herbal Teas

Headaches are a huge problem for me. I have almost daily headaches and they often alter my lifestyle and my daily living in a negative way. I went to a doctor about my constant headaches. Some X-rays, MRI's, blood tests, etc., later, they discovered no serious reasons why I get headaches and simply put me on some pills. These pills had terrible side-effects such as mood swings, irritability, fatigue, etc. I am trying to get myself off of the pills and instead, I am going to try most of these Headache Herbal Teas to find the right recipe to help me have a Life again. These herbal teas don't have side effects and they are way healthier for me than mystery pills filled with who-knows-what.

Ramblings aside, here are a few Headache Herbal Tea recipes:

Headache Tea #1
*3 parts chamomile
*3 parts lemon balm
*1 part passion flower
*1 part skullcap

Slowly boil water, pour over the herbs and let it steep for 20-ish minutes. Strain and drink 1/2 cup every hour until the symptoms subside. 1-3 tbsp. fresh herbs OR 1-3 tsp. dried herbs per cup of water.

Headache Tea #2
*2 parts lemon balm
*2 parts skullcap
*1 part chamomile
*1 part feverfew

Slowly boil water, pour over the herbs and let it steep for 20-ish minutes. Strain and drink 1/4 cup every 30 minutes until the symptoms subside.  1-3 tbsp. fresh herbs OR 1-3 tsp. dried herbs per cup of water.

Headache Tea #3
*2 parts lemon balm
*1 part feverfew
*1 part lavender

Slowly boil water, pour over the herbs and let it steep for 20-ish minutes. Strain and drink 1/4 cup every 30 minutes until the symptoms subside.  1-3 tbsp. fresh herbs OR 1-3 tsp. dried herbs per cup of water. This one is particularly good if you also have a hot bath with a few drops of lavender essential oil added to it.

Migraine/Headache Tea #4
*1 part feverfew
*1 part lavender

This tea is good for those really bad headaches AKA migraines.  Slowly boil water, pour over the herbs and let it steep for 20-ish minutes. Strain and drink 1/4 cup every 30 minutes until the symptoms subside.  1-3 tbsp. fresh herbs OR 1-3 tsp. dried herbs per cup of water.

For additional information, see: references and warnings

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